Just Agriculture

may 2021 | Just Agriculture Magazine

India’s Leading Agriculture Magazine

Prospects of Mushroom Industry, its processing and value addition

Fertigation: An Effective Tool For Enhancing Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Fruit Crops

Role of Public and Private Sectors in Agricultural Development

Pruning for Quality Timber Production

Cauliflower Leaves- An Under Utilized Green Leafy Vegetable

Potato Seed Cost Escalation in Gujarat

Rugose Spiralling Whitefly (Aleurodicus Rugioperculatus Martin) - A New Invasive Pest on Coconut In Tamil Nadu

Underutilized Crops: A Future Smart Food For Zero Hunger

Big Data In Agriculture

How Natural Disasters Affects Agriculture?


Effective Microorganisms-based Quick Composting


Azolla: A Biofertilizer and sustainable production of livestock feed

Future Of Organic Products:brands Or Retailer Private Labels

Bio-Aesthetic Planning

Overview of Sericulture Yesterday, Today