Just Agriculture

April 2024 | Just Agriculture E-newslatter

India’s Leading Agriculture E-Newslatter

A1 And A2 Type Milk A Scientific Review

Agriculture’s Current Scenario And Effective Solution

An article on Mixed Fertilizers

An Introduction Of Millets

Apiculture: An Ecological Enterprise

Azolla: An Evergreen Fodder for Livestock

Bahar Treatment or Crop Regulation in Fruit Crops

Biofortification in Horticultural Crops

Bio-Fortification in Millets

Biological Sickness of Soil

Bioslurry A Sustainable Approach for Agriculture and Environment

Blue Blindness- A Threat to Equines

Botanical Pesticides- An Alternative for Insect Pest Management

Bovine Mastitis in Cattle

Breaking Barriers with Culinary Herbs: How Women in Uttarakhand Can Empower Themselves through Culinary Herb Cultivation

Buffalo Milk vs. Cow Milk: Difference and Health Benefits of Both

Clas (Conjugated Linoleic Acids) In Milk For Health

Climate Change's Effects On Agriculture

Composite Fish Culture: A Proven Technology for Aquaculture Enhancement in Northeast India

Conservation Agriculture

Consumer Awareness: Role of Print Media in Present Scenario

Cultivation of Gerbera

Current Problems and Its Resolutions in Vegetable Exports from India

Damask Rose: Therapeutic Potential

Deleterious Rhizobacteria: Future of Herbicides

Demonstration on Cabbage Production with Plastic Mulching in Tirap District of Arunachal Pradesh

Dicyandiamide: Modern Tool for Nitrogen Management

Digitalization's Role in Agriculture

Diseases of Papaya and Their Management

Dynamics Importance of Micronutrients in Agricultural Soil

Effect of Global Warming in Modern Agriculture in India

Effects Of Ozone On Vegetation

E-Learning in India: Challenges and Opportunities

Entomopathogenic Nematode: A Potential Bio-Control Agent for Sustainable Crop Production

Exploit the Attainment of Drones for Sustainable Agriculture

Exploration and Utilization of Germplasm of Vegetables Crops

Fermented Milks As Health Promoters

Front Line Demonstration (Fld) On Integrated Crop Management Practices In Brinjal

Genetic Engineering in Plants & Its Outcome

Grapefruit - A Miracle Fruit For Human Beings

Halophytes: Classification And Potential Uses

Impact of Microplastic Pollution on Soil Health

Importance of Digitalization Agriculture

Importance of Millets in Relation to Nutritional & Health Benefits

Importance of Pumpkin Seeds and Its Health Benefits

Importance of Zero Budget Natural Farming

Indian Millets and Its Value-Added Products: IYoM-2023

Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK): A Biointensive Integrated Pest Management of Rice (BIPM)

Insect Pheromones: An Eco-Friendly Tool for Insect Management

Integrated Fish Farming

Integrated Pest Management of Black Thrips, Thrips parvispinus (Karny) in Chilli

Integrated Weed Management

Invasive Pest Rugose Spiralling Whitefly (RSW) Aleurodicus rugioperculatus (MARTIN): Challenges and Strategies for Management

Land Degradation and Its Restoration

Livelihood Of Landless Farmers

Major Pests of Cole Crops and Their Integrated Management

Management of Newborn Piglets in Pig Farming

Microbial Way To Revitalize Mulberry Garden

Millet: Characteristics, Nutrition, Advantages, and More

Millets: A Solution to Nutritional Challenges

Millets: Magical Health Promoting Nutritious Crops

Millets of India and Traditional Millets Recipes

Millets Production and Processing

Millets Starch and Its Functionality

Miraculous Millets

Mulching: A Bon to Indian Agriculture

New Feeding Methods of Livestock

New Technologies and Development in Rapeseed-Mustard Cultivation

Nutraceutical Properties of Garlic

Paired Row in Planting in Maize- A farmer success Story

Panchgavya: A Precious Gift to Humankind

Physiological Disorder of Mango and their Management

Poineering Biochar in Soil and Crop Improvement

Post-Rainy (Rabi) Sorghum Production Technologies and Their Impact

Precision Agriculture and Associated Technologies

Precision Farming for Indian Agriculture

Precision Quadcopters in Agriculture

Probiotics: The Nutritious Bio-Medicine

Profit Making With Summer Moong

Rabbit Farming Entrepreneurship

Real Time Nitrogen Management in Rice under Site Specific Nutrient Management

Refractance Window Dryer: An Innovative Approach to Modern Drying

Robotics in Agriculture

Role of Biofertilizers in Pulse Production

Role of Geospatial Technology in Agriculture

Role of Indicator Species in Determining Aquatic Ecosystem Health

Scientists Interventions for Promotion of Millets Farming in India: IYoM-2023

Soil Conservation Practices in Hilly Areas- Agronomic Practices

Speed Breeding in Vegetables: a Potential approach for Future Food Security

Strategies & Planning’s to Promoting Millets Production in India

Taxus Wallichiana:- The Anti-Cancerous Miracle Plant From The Himalayan Region

Terminator Seed Technology

The New Era of Natural Drug Discovery is characterized by the Integration of High-Throughput Omics Technologies to Research Medicinal Plants

Use of Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery and Development

Use of Botanicals to Improve the Vase Life of Cut Flowers

Use of Plant Biotechnology in Agriculture

Utilize Geographical Information System (GIS) To Assess the Role of Challenges in Influencing Agriculture

Vacuum Frying–A Method to Make A Healthy Snaking

Wood Apple and its Benefits

Zero Budget Natural Farming

Zero Budget Natural Farming

Zero Budget Natural Farming in India: Aiming Back to the Basics

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Attitude Type and Theories

Traditional to Technical Transformation in Agriculture

Co-Pelletization Technology to Enhance the Characteristics of Fuel Pellets

Prospects and Potentials of Neglected and Underutilized Leafy Amaranth as a Vegetable

Climate Resilient Characteristics of Millets for Sustainable Agricultural at Molecular Level

Insight into Management of Rodents in Storage Grain

Induction of Dwarfing in Fruit Plants

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