Just Agriculture

July 2024 | Just Agriculture E-Newsletter

India’s Leading Agriculture E-Newsletter

A Comprehensive Overview of Galactagogues: Herbal and Synthetic Agents for Enhanced Milk Production

A Review: Mosquito In Medical Entomology

A Success Story of ARYA Entrepreneur: ARSE Deshi Poultry

Agriculture and Stress of Farmer

Artificial Intelligence in Weed Management for Sustainable Agriculture

Bioremediation: Tools For Environment Protection

Coir Pith: Composting Technology, Nutritive Value and Key Features

CRISPR-Cas9 for Plant Disease Management: A Promising Approach of Genome Editing

Crystallization of Honey and its Affecting Factors

Ecklonia Cava: A Multi Beneficial Seaweed

Eclampsia in Horses, Dogs, and Cats: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Effect of Glaciers Melting on Agriculture and Horticulture Crops in Himachal Pradesh

Entomopathogenic Fungi: Insect Pest Control

Gout in Domestic Fowl: A Comprehensive Overview

Green Illusions: The Tree Planting Dilemma

Innovative Strategies for Minimizing Post-Harvest Loss in Agriculture

Invasive Alien Species - Threats to Nature, Economies, Food Security and Human Health

Irrigation Water Management Based on Artificial Intelligence

Management of Sunburn Effect in Fruit Crops

Milking in Farm Animals

Millets- An Innovative Way of Value-Added Products

Mitigation of Stubble Burning with Pusa Decomposer

Muga Culture: A Notable Approach for Sustainable Development

Phoresy in Insects: Evolutionary Pathways, Hitching Strategies and Departure Dynamics

Pollination Problems & Its Control Measures in Temperate Fruits

Precision Hydroponics for Sustainable Agriculture Farming

Production of Quality Planting Material in Pomegranate

Role of DNA-Based Markers in Nematode Taxonomy

Role of Insects in Forensic Entomology

Role of Male Sterility in Vegetable Crops

Smart Faming in Agriculture

Sustainable WaterManagement in Cereals

The Dawn of Agricultural Robots: Revolutionizing Farming Practice Worldwide

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Purslane: A Nutritional Powerhouse and Miraculous Medicinal Source

Using Biochar for Crop Residue Management in India

Youth Engagement in Agribusiness

Zero Budget Natural Farming

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