A Unique method of building forests that is adopted by most of the individuals and organisations now-a-days is Miyawaki afforestation technique. It is named after Japanese botanist and Plant ecologist , Akira Miyawaki, who pioneered this method of growing dense forest vegetation in on small patches of land.
Who is Akira Miyawaki?
Akira Miyawaki is a Japanese Botanist and Plant Ecologist born in 1928, who is one of the foremost experts on forest ecology and responsible for spreading of this Miyawaki forest technique. This was largely driven through his education and learning of potential natural vegetation (PNV) and phytosociology (plant sociology).
How it made?
At first, the area is selected that atleast has three to four meters wide and is well exposed to sunlight, preferably 8 hours or more sunshine hours. Then the land preparation is done in ideal composition. Then the coco peat of corn husk is used for water to seep through the soil and to retain the soil moisture. Manure and organic fertilizers can also used to make the soil fertile.
The saplings should also be planted in a multi-layer fashion beginning with shrub layer followed by sub-tree layer and tree-layer, and ending up with canopy layer. Saplings should be planted and maintained an approx distance of 60 cm between them and the support is given with the help of bamboo sticks for their upright growth. Then the water is done to the patch of saplings everyday.
Why it is Unique?
These Miyawaki forests are known to be 30 times more dense and, grow 10 times faster than normalforest vegetation. It can grow quickly in small areas and consist of densely packed trees and shrubs. It is ideal for cluttered urban landscapes.
This Miyawaki forests have very little maintenance after two to three years of planting and it doesn’t require much space. The plants and trees grow upright towards the sunlight and the bio diverse forest also attracts Fauna like Butterflies and Bees that are most beneficial for the ecosystem.