The house plants , or Indoor plants , have become a necessity in the homes and now in India we can see these type of plants are finding more prominent place . It is less costlier to decorate the interior of a room with live plants . on the other hand, with little care, a well-chosen house will continue to decorate a room for a period of time .
The art of growing house plants or indoor plants inside the house is known as indoor gardening. The simplest method to grow individual plants in pots and keep them in appropriate places in house.
For the sake of convenience, the house plants are classified in several groups . The groups are such :
Climbing and Trailing Foliage Plants : (climbers)Ficus pumilia, Ficus radicans varigata, Asparagus plumosus, Asparagus sprengeri, Hedera helix, Philodendron eleguns, etc. , (Trailers) Chlorophylum comosum variegatum, Zebrina pendula, Zebrina perpusii etc.
Bushy and upright Foliage Plants : Begonia ‘Rex’, Peperomia caperata and its cultivars, crotons in different colors etc.
Flowering Pot Plants : Azalea indica, tuberous rooted begonias, chrysanthemums, cineraria .
Bulbs :(Annual bulbs) Daffodils, Crocus, Hyacinths, and Tulips, (Permanent bulbs) Amaryllis
Ferns and palms, Bonsai and Miniature plants are also attractive enough for decorative display.
Though the fashion of growing house plants became universally popular during past 3-4 decades definitely its not a new art but yes, now it has became a trend in today’s world so as to enjoy bliss of nature that too at our own places.