On the peak of Eastern Himalayas is the greenest country in the world. However several countries are doing their bestto lessen their carbon emissions, the Empire  is previously carbon negative: it holds additional greenhouse gasses from the environment than it emits.

Topography of Bhutan

Squeezed in between China and India, Bhutan covers nearly 14,800 square miles — roughly the area of Maryland. Its huge woodlands cover almost 70% of the country and act as a organic carbon sink, soak up carbon dioxide.

As a result, according to estimated data , this nation of around 7 lakhs removes nearly three times as much CO2 as it produces.

How is Bhutan carbon negative?

Country’s capability to be a net carbon sink is partly down to its natural jungles and the fact that it is comparatively undeveloped – most people work in cultivation or forestry — which means it emits less than 2.5 million tons of CO2 each year.

Though estimated data show its emissions can almost double up by 2040, the country will remain carbon negative if it maintains current levels of forest cover.

Remaining carbon negative is of utmost significance to the Bhutanese as they have a “very high environmental awareness'” and “appreciate harmony with the natural environment.”


But although the country is assisting in the fight against the climate change, it is intensely susceptible to its effects. Bhutan reports that its woodlands are being impacted by frequent rain and floods, which are causing landslides, and in the future, its hydropower sector could be badly interrupted by melting glaciers in the Himalayas.

Management is all about deciding what to do and doing it, and the leadership of Bhutan have decided they are going to remain carbon negative, and they’re sticking to their guns.

The country can act as an example to others. Climate change is human made – we caused the problems, we can also create the solutions, and the results are there if we can meet the commitment. In Bhutan, the willingness comes from its wisdom and enlightened leadership.

SOURCE: qoura

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