Index of /files/newsletter/2023/April/

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File01. A1 and A2 Type Milk A scientific Review.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 730k
File03. An article on Mixed Fertilizers.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 612k
File04. An Introduction of Millets.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 734k
File05. Apiculture- An Ecological Enterprise.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 637k
File06. Azolla- An Evergreen Fodder for Livestock.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 577k
File07. Bahar Treatment or Crop Regulation in Fruit Crops.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 667k
File08. Biofortification in Horticultural Crops.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 554k
File09. Bio-Fortification in Millets.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 865k
File10. Biological Sickness of Soil.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 831k
File100. Zero Budget Natural Farming 1.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 663k
File101. Zero Budget Natural Farming.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 682k
File102. Zero Budget Natural Farming in India- Aiming Back to the Basics.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 632k
File103. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 742k
File104. Attitude Type and Theories.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 375k
File105. Traditional to Technical Transformation in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 616k
File106. Co-Pelletization Technology to Enhance the Characteristics of Fuel Pelle...2024-12-20 13:57 703k
File107. Prospects and Potentials of Neglected and Underutilized Leafy Amaranth a...2024-12-20 13:57 651k
File108. Climate Resilient Characteristics of Millets for Sustainable Agricultura...2024-12-20 13:57 655k
File109. Insight into Management of Rodents in Storage Grain.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 655k
File11. Bioslurry A Sustainable Approach for Agriculture and Environment.pdf2024-12-20 13:57 609k
File110. Induction of Dwarfing in Fruit Plants.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 589k
File12. Blue Blindness- A Threat to Equines.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 598k
File13. Botanical Pesticides- An Alternative for Insect Pest Management.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 858k
File14. Bovine Mastitis in Cattle.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 500k
File15. Breaking Barriers with Culinary Herbs- How Women in Uttarakhand Can Empow...2024-12-20 13:58 867k
File16. Buffalo Milk vs. Cow Milk- Difference and Health Benefits of Both.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 754k
File17. CLAS (Conjugated Linoleic Acids) in Milk for Health.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 588k
File18. Climate Change's Effects on Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 685k
File19. Composite Fish Culture- A Proven Technology for Aquaculture Enhancement i...2024-12-20 13:58 1140k
File20.Conservation Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 616k
File21. Consumer Awareness-Role of Print Media in Present Scenario.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 774k
File22. Cultivation of Gerbera.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 715k
File23. Current Problems and Its Resolutions in Vegetable Exports from India.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 578k
File24. Damask Rose- Therapeutic Potential.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 626k
File25. Deleterious Rhizobacteria- Future of Herbicides.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 859k
File26. Demonstration on Cabbage Production with Plastic Mulching in Tirap Distri...2024-12-20 13:58 682k
File27. Dicyandiamide-Modern Tool for Nitrogen Management.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 570k
File28. Digitalization's Role in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 867k
File29. Diseases of Papaya and Their Management.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 646k
File30. Dynamics Importance of Micronutrients in Agricultural Soil.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 633k
File31. Effect of Global Warming in Modern Agriculture in India.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 734k
File32. Effects of Ozone on Vegetation.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 941k
File33. E-Learning In India- Challenges and Opportunities.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 653k
File34. Entomopathogenic Nematode- A Potential Bio-Control Agent for Sustainable ...2024-12-20 13:58 776k
File35. Exploit the Attainment of Drones for Sustainable Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 635k
File36. Exploration and Utilization of Germplasm of Vegetables Crops.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 614k
File37. Fermented Milks as Health Promoters.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 652k
File38. Front Line Demonstration (FLD) On Integrated Crop Management Practices in...2024-12-20 13:58 868k
File39. Genetic Engineering in Plants & Its Outcome.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 795k
File40. Grapefruit - A Miracle Fruit For Human Beings.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 806k
File41. Halophytes- Classification and Potential Uses.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 1095k
File42. Impact of Microplastic Pollution on Soil Health.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 821k
File43. Importance of Digitalization Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 641k
File44. Importance of Millets in Relation to Nutritional & Health Benefits.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 726k
File45. Importance of Pumpkin Seeds and Its Health Benefits.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 633k
File46. Importance of Zero Budget Natural Farming.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 636k
File47. Indian Millets and Its Value-Added Products- IYoM-2023.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 972k
File48. Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK)- A Biointensive Integrated Pest Mana...2024-12-20 13:58 647k
File49. Insect Pheromones- An Eco-Friendly Tool for Insect Management.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 579k
File50. Integrated Fish Farming.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 659k
File51. Integrated Pest Management of Black Thrips, Thrips parvispinus (Karny) in...2024-12-20 13:58 626k
File52. Integrated Weed Management.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 655k
File53. Invasive Pest Rugose Spiralling Whitefly (RSW) Aleurodicus rugioperculatu...2024-12-20 13:58 798k
File54. Land Degradation and Its Restoration.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 819k
File55. Livelihood of Landless Farmer.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 711k
File56. Major Pests of Cole Crops and Their Integrated Management.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 710k
File57. Management of Newborn Piglets in Pig Farming.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 616k
File58. Microbial Way to Revitalize Mulberry Garden.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 595k
File59. Millet Characteristics, Nutrition, Advantages, and More.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 879k
File60. Millets A Solution to Nutritional Challenges.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 637k
File61. Millets- Magical Health Promoting Nutritious Crops.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 726k
File62. Millets of India and Traditional Millets Recipes.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 862k
File63. Millets Production and Processing.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 861k
File64. Millets Starch and Its Functionality.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 755k
File65. Miraculous Millets.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 639k
File66. Mulching- A Bon to Indian Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 640k
File67. New Feeding Methods of Livestock.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 736k
File68. New Technologies and Development in Rapeseed-Mustard Cultivation.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 1280k
File69. Nutraceutical Properties of Garlic.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 873k
File70. Paired Row in Planting in Maize- A farmer success Story.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 763k
File71. Panchgavya- A Precious Gift to Humankind.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 790k
File72. Physiological Disorder of Mango and their Management.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 702k
File73. Poineering Biochar in Soil and Crop Improvement.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 814k
File74. Post-Rainy (Rabi) Sorghum Production Technologies and Their Impact.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 647k
File75. Precision Agriculture and Associated Technologies.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 690k
File76. Precision Farming for Indian Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 672k
File77. Precision Quadcopters in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 657k
File78. Probiotics- The Nutritious Bio-Medicine.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 703k
File79. Profit Making With Summer Moong.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 721k
File80. Rabbit Farming Entrepreneurship.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 810k
File81. Real Time Nitrogen Management in Rice under Site Specific Nutrient Manage...2024-12-20 13:58 917k
File82. Refractance Window Dryer- An Innovative Approach to Modern Drying.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 736k
File83. Robotics in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 1115k
File84. Role of Biofertilizers in Pulse Production.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 796k
File85. Role of Geospatial Technology in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:58 575k
File86. Role of Indicator Species in Determining Aquatic Ecosystem Health.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 787k
File87. Scientists Interventions for Promotion of Millets Farming in India- IYoM-...2024-12-20 13:59 738k
File88. Soil Conservation Practices in Hilly Areas- Agronomic Practices.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 1248k
File89. Speed Breeding in Vegetables- A Potential approach for Future Food Securi...2024-12-20 13:59 763k
File90. Strategies & Planning’s to Promoting Millets Production in India.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 788k
File91. Taxus Wallichiana-The Anti-Cancerous Miracle Plant From The Himalayan Reg...2024-12-20 13:59 717k
File92. Terminator Seed Technology.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 716k
File93. The New Era of Natural Drug Discovery is characterized by the Integration...2024-12-20 13:59 770k
File94. Use of Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery and Development.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 687k
File95. Use of Botanicals to Improve the Vase Life of Cut Flowers.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 665k
File96. Use of Plant Biotechnology in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 626k
File97.Utilize Geographical Information System (GIS) To Assess the Role of Challe...2024-12-20 13:59 882k
File98. Vacuum Frying–A Method to Make A Healthy Snaking.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 792k
File99. Wood Apple and its Benefits.pdf2024-12-20 13:59 763k
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