Index of /files/newsletter/2023/november/

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File01. From Menarche to Menopause.pdf2024-12-20 14:07 370k
File02. Marital Conflict.pdf2024-12-20 14:07 317k
File03. Mental Health During Adolescence.pdf2024-12-20 14:07 372k
File04. Old Age.pdf2024-12-20 14:07 371k
File05. Climate Change Disasters and the Imperative Role of the G20 Summit- A Glo...2024-12-20 14:07 753k
File06. Success Story- Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a Potent Technique for Aquatic...2024-12-20 14:07 381k
File07. Success Story- 17a-Methyl Testosterone- A Growth Promoter for Xiphophorus...2024-12-20 14:08 426k
File08. A Potential Wild Relatives of Cultivated Guava.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 322k
File09. Adopt IPM Technology to Manage the Major Insect Pests and Diseases of Mai...2024-12-20 14:08 465k
File10. Advancements in Fish Culture- A way to Recirculatory Aquaculture Systems.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 393k
File11. Advantages of Vermi Compost in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 370k
File12. Agro Advisory Services for Risk Management in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 618k
File13. Agronomic Biofortification- Nourishing Communities for a Sustainable Futu...2024-12-20 14:08 393k
File14. An Overview of Chow Chow (Sechium Edule) - An Underutilized Crop in India...2024-12-20 14:08 514k
File15. Ashwagandha a Magical Crop.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 384k
File16. Breeds of Sheep and their Characteristics.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 1583k
File17. Brief Insights on Speed Breeding in Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 380k
File18. Brown Planthopper- A Threat to Rice Cultivation in India.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 726k
File19. Chench (Chorcorus Sp.) Most Preferable Leafy Vegetable for Bundeli People...2024-12-20 14:08 520k
File20. Climate Resilient in-House Plant for Human Health.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 932k
File21. Conservational Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 440k
File22. Current Scenario of Milk Production in India.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 367k
File23. Date Fruits- A Nutritional Powerhouse with Health Benefits.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 436k
File24. Empowering Farmers through Natural Farming.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 532k
File25. Exploring the Foundations of Agribusiness Management- A Beginner's Guide.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 490k
File26. Forage Conservation Methods- Quality Feed for Cattle.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 482k
File27. Future Potential of AI in Indian Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 551k
File28. Green Credit Programme - Sustainable Way to Mitigate Climate Change.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 421k
File29. Gum Arabic- Applications in Industries and Benefits for Human Health.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 504k
File30. Harjeet Singh's Agrarian Odyssey- A Tale of Transformation and Inspiratio...2024-12-20 14:08 405k
File31. Importance of Millets and Its Production in India.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 390k
File32. Important of Biofertilizers for Sustainable Growth and Yield of Crop Plan...2024-12-20 14:08 372k
File33. Legumes and Carbon Sequestration.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 377k
File34. Major Insect Pests of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Crop and Their In...2024-12-20 14:08 574k
File35. Medical Marigold- Ayurvedic Treasure.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 434k
File36. Mobile Apps- Empowering Indian Farmers to Make Informed Decisions.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 443k
File37. Mushroom Cultivation- A Profitable Agribusiness Venture in India.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 809k
File38. Mutation And Role of Chromosomes in Animal Genetics.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 786k
File39. Nano Materials.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 367k
File40. Nano Priming Efficient Instrument for Horticultural Crops to Withstand St...2024-12-20 14:08 324k
File41. Nano Sensors and Its Applications in Livestock Sector.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 436k
File42. Nanobubbles - A Review.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 445k
File43. Nanotechnology and its Role in Veterinary Medicine.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 414k
File44. Natural Farming- Anchoring a Sustainable Way of Farming.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 497k
File45. New Innovations in Agriculture Extension- Empowering Farmers for a Sustai...2024-12-20 14:08 387k
File46. Organic Waste Recycling – Sources and Approaches.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 612k
File47. Papaya and Their Wild Relatives.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 387k
File48. Personalized Nutrition (Future of Our Foods).pdf2024-12-20 14:08 434k
File49. PMFBY- A Boon for Farmer During Natural Calamity.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 526k
File50. Polyploidy Breeding- A Viable Method for Crop Improvement.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 397k
File51. Precision Agriculture.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 276k
File52. Revolutionizing In Rice Farming- “Unearthing the secrets of System of R...2024-12-20 14:08 627k
File53. Role of GIS and Remote Sensing in Wildlife Conservation.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 352k
File54. Role of IoT in Smart Farming.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 420k
File55. Satnam Singh Dhidhsa- A Trailblazer in Agricultural Transformation.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 375k
File56. Shielding The Veggies Crops- Managing the Soil-Borne Diseases with The Po...2024-12-20 14:08 455k
File57. Silk Beyond Fashion - The Surprising Uses of Silkworm Silk in Medicine an...2024-12-20 14:08 696k
File58. Success Story “Mohan Singh- A Remarkable Journey of Successful Sugarcan...2024-12-20 14:08 500k
File59. Success Story- Improve Nutritional Status Through Terrace Gardening.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 515k
File60. Sustainability in Agriculture through Organic Farming.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 443k
File61. Sustainable Soil Management- Maximizing Organic Carbon.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 317k
File62. The Role of Drones in Agriculture- Revolutionizing Farming Practices.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 426k
File63. The Underrated Indian Borage Essential Oil- Karpoor Valli.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 669k
File64. Theileriosis- A Review Article.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 365k
File65. Unearthing the Challenges and Solutions in Agroforestry Extension.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 376k
File66. Vitamin C Deficiency in Guinea Pigs.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 523k
File67. Young Entrepreneur’s Unlocking the Potential.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 411k
File68. Common Diseases in Poultry.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 429k
File69. Enterotoxaemia in Sheep and Goat.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 343k
File70. Integrated Weed Management.pdf2024-12-20 14:08 382k
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