Just Agriculture

Just Agriculture e-Newsletter

Just Agriculture e-newsletter is an Agriculture Newsletter which features compelling stories, expert insights, and thought-provoking perspectives that shed light on the challenges and triumphs of modern farming. Just Agriculture e-newsletter, launched online on 5th September, 2020.

It publishes breakthroughs, promising technologies or practices, new initiatives, management of natural resources, news items related to latest developments in the field of agriculture, animal sciences and fisheries. We believe that Just Agriculture e-newsletter will be highly useful, informative and beneficial for students and other stakeholders

The only purpose of the e-newsletter is to provide a platform to all the researchers, students, scholars and scientists to share their ideas about latest innovative topics. The aim of Just Agriculture e-newsletter is to publish latest information in field of agriculture and allied sciences.

This e-newsletter will publish about latest innovations, novel technologies and original articles from agriculture and allied sciences. The articles from various disciplines like Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy Technology, Fisheries, Agroforestry, Agricultural Biotechnology, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Seed Technology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Food Technology and Environmental Sciences will be published in this e-newsletter.

Dr. Mohit Bharadwaj

“In the fields, every season writes its own story, and it’s our duty to capture and share its wisdom.”

Editor in Chief : Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, India

Dr. Mohit Bharadwaj

“In the fields, every season writes its own story, and it’s our duty to capture and share its wisdom.”

Editor in Chief : Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, India


Keep our readers informed about the latest trends, developments, and innovations in agriculture, from new farming techniques and technologies to market insights and policy changes.

Featured Articles

Provide valuable insights and practical advice to help farmers optimize their operations, improve productivity, and adopt sustainable practices that benefit both the environment and their bottom line.


Foster a sense of community by bringing together individuals passionate about agriculture, providing opportunities for networking, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration.


Showcase inspiring stories of farmers and agribusinesses who are making a difference in their communities and driving positive change in the industry.

Our Editorial Board

If you want to submit your article or publication in our Just Agriculture

For B.Sc/ M.Sc students

Publication fees for single article: 299 INR
For more then one authors a payment of extra 50 INR will be charged per author.

For P.hd Scholars/M.tech/ Project JRF

Publication fees for single article: 349 INR
For more then one authors a payment of extra 50 INR will be charged.

For Research Associates / Asst Prof. / Professors

Professors / SMS/ Teaching Asst and Teaching Associates/ Scientists: 449 INR
For more then one authors a payment of extra 50 INR will be charged.

Annual membership

1499 INR for B.Sc/ M.Sc students and Phd Scholars/ Research Associates/ SMS/ Teaching Asst and Teaching Associates/ Asst Prof. / Associate Professors/ Professors / Scientists Author can publish 10 articles annually (one in single issue) For all the Co-authors 50 INR will be charged per author.

Life Membership

3999 Inr For M.sc Students/ph.d Scholars Research Associates/ Sms/ Teaching Asst And Teaching Associates/ Asst Prof. / Associate Professors/ Professors / Scientists Author Can Publish 10 Articles Annually (One In Single Issue) For All The Co-authors 50 Inr Will Be Charged Per Author.