In recent years, the GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Global Information System) have made significant progress. These technologies integrate real-time data gathering with precise location data to allow for fast processing and analysis of massive amounts of geospatial data. Most importantly, the technology is now accessible to anyone with a smartphone equipped with a GPS chip.
GPS has made precision farming easy, which allows for farm planning, field mapping, soil sampling, crop scouting, and yield mapping. Farmers can also use GPS to work in low-visibility fields like rain, dust, fog, and darkness. The monitoring for pest, weed and insect management is now easy with the help of this.

Several tools have been developed by GPS equipment makers to assist farmers and agribusinesses in being more productive and efficient in their precision farming activities. Many farmers now employ GPS-derived products to improve their farming operations. The receivers collect location data to map field boundaries, roadways, irrigation systems, and problem areas in crops such as weeds or disease. Farmers may construct farm maps with specific acreage for agricultural areas, road locations, and distances between points of interest. Year after year, it allows farmers to precisely navigate to particular spots in the field to take soil samples or monitor crop conditions.

GPS Farming

Benefits Of GPS Farming

1.) Precision soil sampling, data collecting, and data analysis. This helps in the application of localised chemicals and the adjustment of planting density.

2.)Accurate field navigation reduces the number of redundant applications and regions neglected, allowing for optimum ground coverage in the quickest amount of time.

3.)Productivity is increased by the ability to work in low visibility field circumstances such a rain, dust, fog, and darkness.

4.)The elimination of human “flaggers” improves spray efficiency and reduces over spray.

5.) Accurately monitored yield data enables future site specific field preparation.

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