Just Agriculture

may 2024 | Just Agriculture E-Newsletter

India’s Leading Agriculture E-Newsletter

A Review – Climate Smart Agriculture: A Key to Sustainability

Agricultural Extension Education: Addressing the Needs of Marginalized Farmers

Antibiotics and Its Use

Biofertilizers – An Ecofriendly Way of Maintaining Soil Health

Biofortification in Horticulture

Biofortification of Fruits Crops

Biopesticides: Future of Organic Farming

Boom in Himalayas: Rhododendron Arboretum

Constriction and Broadening are Phases, Just Keep Moving like Ultrasound


Conversion of Biomass into Hydro Char from Hydrothermal Process

Crop Diversification an Effective Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture Development

Crop Diversification an Effective Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture Development

Custom Hiring Centre (CHC)

Décor Using Sola Wood Flowers

Densification of Bamboo Residues

An Urban Landscape

Direct Seeded Rice: Nutrient Deficiencies and Its Management

Effect of Climate Resilient Agriculture Technology in Cultivation of Mung Bean Crop in Rainfed Condition

Farmer Who Influences the Young Generation: A Success Story

Feasibility of Intrcropping in Oilseed Crops

Genetically Modified Plants: Methods, Steps of Development of GM Plants

Germplasm Conservation of Vegetable Crops and Factors Affecting the Seed in Storage

Green Building-A Future House with Living Plants

Herbs Useful For Animals

Jawahar Model – A Crop Production Model for Resource Poor Farmers

Lac Culture in Bastar and Challenges Faced by the Lac Cultivators in Bastar

Mango Cultivars, Wild Genotypes and Their Importance in India

Marker Assisted Selection Approach for Improvement of Quality Traits in Tomato

Marvelous Millets: The Superfood need of the World

Millets as Superfood

Motor Skills Development in Early Childhood Education

Mr. Sukhvinder Singh's Inspiring Success Story from Farmer to Entrepreneur

Multipurpose Benefits of Mahua: A Nutritional, Medicinal, and Economic Boon for Tribal Communities in Bastar Division of Chhattisgarh

Nutritive Value and Health Benefits of Yongchak (Parkia Timoriana)

Organic Foods: Benefits, Risks and Controversies

Overview on Button Mushroom Cultivation

Pearl Farming

Pomegranate Genome and Its Prospects for Breeding Elite Pomegranate Varieties

Pricing of Irrigation Water

Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms

Prospectus of Heterosis Breeding in Pearl Millet

Ravinder Singh’s Agro-Forestry

Robotics in Plant Breeding: Robotic Technologies for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping

Role of Millets in Ensuring National Security

Role of RNAi Induced Gene Silencing in Horticulture Crops

Role of Secretion System in Phytopathogenic Bacteria

Role of Statistics in Agricultural Sciences

Role of Veterinarians in Food Safety

Role of Zero Budget Natural Farming in Tea Plantation

Small Town Boy in the World of Research through Lemongrass

Socio Economic Empowerment through Combination of Organic and Conventional Farming: A Success Story

Success story of Tooba Foods- A successful Food Processing Entrepreneur

Summer Fodder- An Alternative Approach To The Fodder Concerns

Summer Management of Animals

Tapioca: An Ideal Host for the Eri Silkworm

Vertical Farming at Home: From Garden to Table

Who are The Red Farmers in Gherkin Cultivation and Why they are Referred so?

Why Does India Import Sunflower Oil From Other Countries?

Zero-Budget Natural Farming

Scientific Methods of Processing of Baby Corn to Prevent Post-Harvest Losses

Wood Apple: A Exploited Nutritional Fruit

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