Chetan is a passionate writer, capable to understand technical material and restate it concisely. He believes that a farmer is a craftsman of highest order and wishes to explore and spread awareness about the world of Agriculture.

Identical copies of digital ledger is maintained by several nodes of the network. India is an agriculture dependent country. Majority of the rural people relay on agriculture and allied sectors for attaining their livelihood. India occupies top 15 leading major exporters of agricultural products. It has huge capacity to increase employment opportunities.

Block chain technology in Agriculture can increase efficiency, transparency, traceability in agricultural supply chains. Improve rural development interventions and promotes more sustainable agriculture supply chain too. Land ownership surveying, Fraud prevention and Transparency for customers creates better facilitate trade and provide a more inclusive trading system.

Blockchain can transform the way of producing crops or food items by following four steps:

  • IOT devices generating data.
  • Cleaning and Enrichment of the collected data
  • Making the data more insightful with machine learning algorithms
  • Data gets saved on the blockchain.

States like Telangana also pining hope for this block chain technology to curtail the spurious seed problem by ending the tampered seed bags and adulterated low quality seed into the market. This technology helps the farmers from landing in losses. Department of IT, in-coordination with agricultural department and PJTSAU (Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University) is introducing the technology in Telangana State Seed Corporation. This technology-based supply chain with QR codes can helps to trace the origins of the seeds as Field inspection i.e., from pre-pollination, pollination, fruit development and pre-harvesting stages of a seed farm will be stored in a digital ledger along with post-harvest inspection, laboratory tests, Analysis of seed samples, Certification, labelling and sealing. On certification of the seed with QR code on it helps to generate production parameters and can be easily traced. These certificates must be stored in a secure file system using blockchain ensuring tamper-proof certificates, tracks the purity of seeds to the customer and its movement from seed processing plant of private companies to its distributors and retailers.

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