Effect of aberrant weather conditions on crops
Rainfall behavior in dry farming areas is erratic and uncertain. The deviations in rainfall behavior commonly met with in dry areas include delayed onset, early withdrawal and intermediary dry spells during rainy season. The adverse effect of these rainfall aberrations on crop growth vary with the degree of deviation and the crop growth stage at which such deviations occur. Suitable manipulations in crop management practices are needed to minimize such adverse effects of abnormal rainfall behavior. These management decision, constitute contingency planning. Such management practices done after crop establishment and in the middle of crop growth are called mid season or mid term corrections.

Effect of rainfall aberrations on crops

Contingency Cropping

Contingency cropping is growing of a suitable crop in place of normally sown highly profitable crop of the region due to aberrant weather conditions. In dryland agriculture, contingency of growing another crop in place of normally grown crop arises due to delay in the onset of monsoon. Depending upon the date of receipt of rainfall, crops are selected. It is assumed that the rainfall for the subsequent period is normal and depending upon the economic status of the farmer, certain amount of risk is taken to get good profits if season is normal or better than normal.

Contingency cropping is highly location specific due to variation in amount and distribution of rainfall. Especially in arid regions, the spatial distribution of rainfall is highly variable. It is common to observe that rainfall received varies from field to field in the same location. Temperature gradually falls from August onwards reaching minimum in November and December. Contingency plan and midterm corrections vary with the type and time of occurrence of rainfall aberration.

Crops have to be selected with suitable crop duration to coincide with the length of the growing season. Generally short duration pulses like greengram, blackgram and cowpea may suit the situation. However if the monsoon turns to be extraordinarily good, opportunity is lost if only short duration crops are sown. Farmers with economic strength and motivation for high profits with some amount of risk can go for crops of long duration. The long duration crops with flexibility or elasticity in yield are more suitable. For example, pearlmillet, and sorghum can be ratooned if monsoon extends. Sunflower can be introduced for higher profits with certain amount of risk. Crops like sorghum, pearlmillet, can be grown for grain if monsoon extends and if not, fodder can be obtained.

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