India is one of the largest countries that is growing onion on large scale and being exported to many countries in world. It is a Rabi seasoned crops that is grown mostly in states of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,  Madhya Pradesh

Onions thrives better in cool season and typically requires long days for bulb formation. However different varieties shows response to different temperature. Besides  day length, planting time, plant growth, growing of onion seedlings on raised nursery bed  and transplanting them in right time and one of the predominant thing is to secure onion fields from noxious weeds right from germination to bulb formation.

Control of weeds at the initial growth stages is essential for getting high marketable bulb yield. Because of labour scarcity, chemical control of weeds along with cultural methods is inevitable. Keeping  in point of this Dhanukha AgriTech  once again put a step ahead in agriculture innovation which would help farmers and has launched ONEKIL aims to grow weed free onion crops in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.

Herbicide that hikes the onion yield

ONEKIL is a 9(3) molecule and is a complete solution for weed-free onion crops. ONEKIL (Technical: Quizalofop-Ethyl 4% +Oxyfluorfen 6%EC) is a post emergence, systemic herbicide that controls narrow leaf weeds as well as broadleaf weeds. Onekil  once absorbed by crop’s foliage and root system, provides longer residual control from most of the weeds.

Moreover, ONEKIL lasts for one to two hours and has effective rain fastness. It  has a dual mode of action and provides translocation activity. When it is absorbed through leaves, it moves downwards through the phloem, and when absorbed by roots, and moves upward through the xylem.

The launch event was supervised by Dhanuka Agritech Limited’s marketing team including Chief Manager Marketing, Subodh Kumar Gupta and Deputy Manager Marketing, Sharad Chaturvedi. A technical and commercial session on Onekil was also conducted during the launch event for agri-input dealers and retailers.

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